Analysis of Sluter’s Well of Moses

There is a lot of complex symbolism in Sluters Well of Moses. Its original name Fons Vitae, a fountain of everlasting life, was supposed to symbolize the blood of Christ flowing over the grieving angels and Old Testament prophets. It also symbolized redemption to all those who would drink water from this well. Sluter used increased naturalism in his sculpture by rendering the prophets with very exact detail. This was possible because he spent a great amount of time observing natural appearance and giving different textures to different parts of the sculpture. Each prophet has his own distinct personality and wardrobe which was rendered with heavy draperies in a life size appearance. Not only were they rendered realistic sculpturally but originally, they were painted which brought them more to life.
The only reason naturalism would be considered stunted in this sculpture is because they bring to mind the jamb statues of French Gothic portals. This being said they are still much more naturalistic than their predecessors.



* Image gotten from

This entry was published on June 5, 2014 at 8:10 pm. It’s filed under Analysis, art, Blog, Personal, Review, sculpture and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Follow any comments here with the RSS feed for this post.

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